The Intramural Program is meant to provide a fun, 为电子游戏软件社区在有组织的体育运动中竞争提供了积极的氛围. While it is OK to make winning a goal, 参与者不能忽视培养同志情谊和与同伴一起娱乐的更大使命. At all times, 电子游戏软件校内项目的参与者应以适合校内竞赛的方式行事. If at any time a participant, coach or fan, in the judgment of an Intramural staff member, goes beyond what is appropriate, 该个人将被取消正在进行的比赛资格,并在被允许参加另一场校内比赛之前,被要求与校内项目助理主任会面.

Any member is eligible to play intramurals.  All undergraduate students are automatically members.  Graduate students, faculty, and staff may purchase a membership. 上述资格的唯一例外是从事该运动或其同等运动*的专业学生, 本学年在该运动的校队名单上的学生, 或者如果该学生是该运动或类似运动的俱乐部球队的成员,并且该球队已经达到该联盟球队名单的俱乐部限制.

*对等运动指的是任何与校内运动非常接近的运动,以至于校内办公室认为一个人的技能必然会在校内运动中转化为不公平的优势.  Examples are baseball players are restricted from intramural softball, football players are restricted from flag football.

Will be issued for actions such as, but not limited to, the following:

  1. 损坏或以任何方式滥用电子游戏软件的财产、场地、健身房、溜冰场、设备等.
  2. 消费/持有酒精饮料、吸烟或使用任何非法物质
  3. 针对任何人的言语或身体不当行为,无论他们是(n)校内官员, opponent, teammate, fan, administrator, etc. 关于什么构成不当行为的任何问题应直接向校内办公室提出
  4. Excessively disputing any official’s judgment call (i.e. safe/out, ball/strike, in/out, fouls, penalties, etc.)
  5. Dangerous use of equipment

良好的体育精神对于维持适当的校内体育娱乐氛围至关重要. 所有校内参与者和观众在任何时候都应以文明和体育的方式行事, during, and after contests. Behavior that promotes intolerance or prejudice, degrades any racial, ethnic, gender or religious group, infers an explicit sexual reference, 在技能或智力的基础上贬低或促进破坏性行为被认为是对大学及其成员的不尊重, and will be addressed and dealt with accordingly. This includes Intramural team names and information posted on the IMLeagues website.

校内体育助理主任有权暂停个人或团队进一步参加校内项目的违反行为符合校内参与者或团队.  干扰他人享受联赛的行为是一个特别的部门重点.  Any actions which are not just inappropriate for intramural participants, but of Boston College students in general, will also be directed to the Office of Student Affairs.

任何被驱逐出比赛的个人可能会被暂停参加以后的比赛.  在被允许恢复比赛之前,该个人必须与校内体育助理主任会面,以确定纪律处分的严重性.  任何纪律处分由校内体育部助理主任决定.

任何获得1分体育精神评分的队伍,在恢复其资格之前,必须让其领队和可能的特定违规队员与校内体育助理主任会面.  个别参赛者也将受到上述处罚.  体育精神评级将由在每场比赛后为两支参赛队工作的校内工作人员确定. 


Regular Season Games
After each game, 各队将由校内官员根据其表现给予体育精神评分. Teams must have a minimum average sportsmanship rating of "3.0" to be eligible to participate in the playoffs. If a game is not completed due to any circumstances, 无论比赛是否正式,获得的体育精神评级都将有效.

Playoff Games
Teams must have a sportsmanship rating of "3.0" or better in each game to advance.  If a team receives below a "3.0" sportsmanship rating in any playoff game, 他们会被淘汰,而他们的对手会晋级,因为他们的体育精神评分在3分以上.0". If neither team receives a "3.0" rating, both teams will be removed and the next round will be a bye. 体育精神评分也是常规赛结束后打破平局的一种方法. 

"5" 优秀的行为和体育精神——队长、球员和球迷都表现出良好的态度. Conduct is positive at all times, even if the opponent does not display a high level of sportsmanship.  如有必要,队长冷静地与校内官员就规则解释和判罚进行交谈.  这支球队的输赢都是客观的,他们的行为在各个方面都为联盟和项目提供了榜样.

"4" 良好的行为和体育精神-球队表现出良好的体育精神,并与对方球队合作, Officials, and Intramural Supervisor. Opponents are treated with respect and there are no warnings, yellow cards, or unsporting technical fouls.

"3" 一般的行为和体育精神——球队仍然表现出与官员和对手的合作,但可能会有一些抱怨和抱怨. 好的态度有时是缺失的,但没有公然表现出坏的态度. The captain is in control of the team.

"2" 低于平均水平的行为和体育精神-球队不断向官员发表评论, Intramural Supervisor, and/or opposing team from the field and/or sidelines. 队长对队友和他自己几乎没有控制力.

"1" 不良行为和体育精神——队长无法控制队友和/或他自己. 团队完全不合作,不能很好地代表自己和电子游戏软件的校内项目.